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Q: What was the Russian word for the Soviet policy of openness?
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The word glastnost means?

a Soviet policy permitting open discussion of political and social issues and freer dissemination of news and information : Means Openness.

What does the term glasnost refer to?

Glasnost, which is a Russian word meaning "Publicity", referred to a policy of transparency and increased openness began by Mikhail Gorbachev in the 1980s.

What Russian word became associated with freedom of speech as part of Gorbachev's Perestroika program in the late 1980's?

The word is "glasnost". It literally means "openness" and was used to symbolize the policy of increased transparency and freedom of expression under Gorbachev's leadership. Glasnost allowed for more open discussions of political, social, and cultural issues in the Soviet Union.

What Russian word meanig openness begins with the letter G?

I think they word you're looking for is гласность - glasnohst.

Where did the name soviet come from?

"Soviet" is Russian for "governing council", from the Old Russian word, "Sovetu" meaning "with council".

What is the Russian word for freedom?

Glasnost. The word (and the phenomenon) gained popularity in the World media in mid-1980s, when Mikhail Gorbachev introduced the new cautiously democratic policies of "openness" and "rebuilding" to overcome the stagnation and disillusionment in the then-Soviet economy and society. The word for "rebuilding" is Perestroika.

What language does soviet come from?

"Soviet" is from the Russian word совет (sovyét) word meaning "council" or "board (of councillors)".

What does the Russian word Perestroika mean?

Perestroika means restructuring. Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev used this term to state that the existing Soviet government was going to be restructured to move away from the totalitarian style government created by Lenin, Stalin and others that followed them. That, plus "glasnost" or "openness", signaled the beginning of the end of the Cold War.

What is the origin of the word Soviet?

It's a Russian word for council or committee and after the Russian Revolution in 1917 became the basic administrative unit of the country at a local level. USSR = Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

What is a sentence for the word openness?

Her openness left her vulnerable to the evil forces.

How do you use the word revolution in a sentence?

The Russian revolution led to the rise of the Soviet Union

Where did the word perestroika come from?

Perestroika is a Russian word meaning "rebuilding" or "restructuring". It became internationally recognized when Soviet President Gorbachev used it to describe his planned reforms for the Soviet Union. Since the time of Gorbachev is has been linked to the fall and break up of the Soviet Union and the formation of the Russian Federation.