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The gain control in 1650 Bce in northern China

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Q: What was the Shang Dynasty political system like?
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Related questions

What does the Shang Dynasty flag look like?

The moon

What was the Art like during the Shang Dynasty?

Earthenware and stoneware were made the most during the Shang Dynasty.

What was life like for people of the Shang Dynasty?

it affected them because of there religons

Why did the Shang Dynasty empire fail?

Because They just felt like it!

What religion was the S hang dynasty?

The Shang Dynasty was primarily a secular dynasty, with no 'official' state religion.(no they have a religon but when ever i come to get info i find like 6)

When did the chou dynasty conquer Shang Dynasty?

because they were bord and they felt like it u r all idiots I hate all of u

What weakened the Shang Dynasty?

Danny silva isn't doing his work like for real dude just do it

What were the accomplishments of the Shang dynasty?

idk but i would also like to know cuz that was on my homework that i did not do tonight. :P

Did the Shang Dynasty worship dragons?

Yes, the Shang Dynasty in ancient China did worship dragons. They believed that dragons were powerful and sacred creatures that could bring rain and good fortune. Dragon imagery was common in their art and rituals.

Was the Shanahan the first Chinese fan?

Yes and they were umbrella like, used on carriages to stop dirt/direct sunlight into the passengers. Used in the Shang dynasty.

What was the ancient Chinese beliefs?

"In the Shang Dynasty (about 2000 BC), the earliest period we know much about, people in China worshipped a lot of differentgods - weather gods and sky gods - and also a higher god who ruled over the other gods, called Shang-Ti. People who lived during the Shang Dynasty also believed that their ancestors - their parents and grandparents - became like gods when they died, and that their ancestors wanted to be worshipped too, like gods. Each family worshipped their own ancestors..."

What was the Chinese belief?

"In the Shang Dynasty (about 2000 BC), the earliest period we know much about, people in China worshipped a lot of differentgods - weather gods and sky gods - and also a higher god who ruled over the other gods, called Shang-Ti. People who lived during the Shang Dynasty also believed that their ancestors - their parents and grandparents - became like gods when they died, and that their ancestors wanted to be worshipped too, like gods. Each family worshipped their own ancestors..."