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Q: What was the allies response to the German army in 1934?
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Yes, to the allies and the ww2 German army (not the Nazi's).

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They forced the German army into retreat from France, allowing the Allies to liberate the country.

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British won an important at El Alamein in Egypt. German army forces were driven west and his army surrender.

Did Pope Benedict XVl go to jail?

Yes, he did. He had been conscripted into the German Army towards the end of WWII. He deserted the army when he saw the Allies were about to liberate Germany. He was arrested and held as a prisoner of war by the Allies but quickly released.

Which events occurred in 1943 and helped to make the Allied victory possible?

1. The Allies crack the German naval code 2. A German army division surrenders at Stalingrad

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The German Army defended the beach, and The Allies (England, US, etc)made the attack/landing.

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Because the Russian army was for greater than the German's, and with the Japanese getting whupped by the Americans they had no other allies.

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In World War I, the Japanese joined the Allies for a time, and fought the German army in east Asia.

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What was the Nazis response to the Versailles treaty?

Once Hitler took full power in 1934, He stopped repaying the allies which they had to repay £6.6 billion also they broke rules such as -Increase the German army pass the max 100,000 boundary -Had an air force -Build a proper Navy -Reoccupied the Rhineland (Industrial coal mine) -Becomes allies with Austria -Built a heavy artillery -Invaded another country Hitler hated they treaty of Versailles because it had a seriouse negative impact on germany after WorldWar 1 and Germany was only just defending its ally

What was the result of d day?

The allies were able to drive the Germans back to berlin! Afterward in August, a German army was trapped by the allies. After that 10,000 Germans were killed and 50,000 captured. i have gotten this information from