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Concentration Camps

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Q: What was the annihilation that people faced in organized death camps?
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Related questions

Were there more death camps than concentration camps in World War 2?

Concentration camps were death camps. The people that were scheduled to die were concentrated into areas for easier delivery to the death chambers.

What are the fema death camps for?

They're for scaring people who believe conspiracy theories. There are no FEMA death camps.

Where did people sleep in death camps?

in cabins

What as the purpose of death camps?

to kill people.

Where were they killed in the Holocaust?

Usually people were killed in concentration camps or death camps. In these camps, people were worked to death, put in gas chambers, or were shot. Often people caught diseases and died, or they starved to death because they were barely given any food.

What is exermination camps of the holocaust?

Pretty simple. Extermination camps is really another term for death camps. It is where people meet their death by being asphyxiated with gas.

What was the difference between concetrantion camps and death camps?

Death camps had the facilities to commit mass murder, they also had limited barracks as they did not house many inmates (Auschwitz was the exception as it was both).

Were there people in the concentration camps after the death of Hitler?

Yes , there were people

Who did Nazis murder in death camps?

The people who were murdered in the Nazi Death Camps were mainly Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, some Polish people and mentally and physically challenged people.

What were death or extermination camps?

Death and Extermination Camps were Self Purposed Camps which were mainly intended to kill a lot of people, Camps like Treblinka, Sobibor and Belzec were Camps which had a sole purpose of kill as much people as possible but also the most efficient. These camps had a average death rate f at least 15,000 People a month. Auschwitz was the exception; it operated as both a death camp and a concentration camp. Also with its sub-camps was the largest supplier of labour in the camp system.

Why did death camps start?

Death camps were used because it was a quicker way to kill so many people aka the jews.

How were the people killed at the extermination camps?

They were gassed to death.