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The colonists just gained independence from England, therefore, America should have a different type of government. If they wanted to keep the same government, they should not have immigrated to America or fought in the war.

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Q: What was the argument of the antifederalists?
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What was the the main argument of the antifederalists against the constitution?

they didn't get to practice the Bill of Rights

What was the main argument of the Antifederalists against constitution?

they didn't get to practice the Bill of Rights

Who opposed Alexander Hamilton?

Hamilton was opposed by the antifederalists, who believed that the US would be better off with the states in power, not a strong central government. The antifederalists were led by Thomas Jefferson. Even though the antifederalists lost the argument, they greatly influenced the first 10 amendments in the US constitution, also known as the Bill of Rights.

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Why did Antifederalists oppose Alexander Hamilton's plan

Who is considered the leading Antifederalist?

There were several antifederalists. Jefferson was considered the leading antifederalist. Other antifederalists include Patrick Henry and George Mason. Antifederalists opposed the constitution.

Why did the Antifederalists oppose the Constitution?

The antifederalists opposed the constitution because their leading argument, however, centered on the constitutions lack of protection for individual rights. Gabriel Marrerothe anti federalists didn't want the union to have a strong central government, but wanted more power for the individual states. the constitution was lacking a Bill of Rights, which is why the anti-federalists agreed when that was later added.

Why did antifederalists oppose Alexander Hamiltons plan?

Why did Antifederalists oppose Alexander Hamilton's plan

What did the federalists fight for?

the federalists were trying to get the antifederalists with the constitution and the federalists agreed with the constitution and the antifederalists didnt agree with the constitution

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Who are the antifederalists?

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