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Same as now, woman who already have at least one child and is in her 20's.

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The average age for abortions in 1990 varied, but data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that a significant proportion of women seeking abortions were in their 20s and 30s. The exact average age would depend on the specific data set being analyzed.

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How old is the most common age for people that have an abortions?

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In 1990 through the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990.

You had three abortions would it be harder for you to concieve?

that depends on how you are and when you had the abortions. if you are in your 20's you probably will not have any problems, however, if you are past that age and in your 30's you will have a harder time for sure.

What is the legal age in Ohio for abortions?

It's always legal at any age to have an abortion but if you mean without parents or guardians involved it's 18.

What age group has more abortions?

AnswerIn the UK the age group is 17-25. In the US it's the 20's.

What was the youngest age for abortions so far?

The latest one I saw in the news was a 9yo girl who was raped in Brazil.

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what do you mean by "missed" abortions?

What race of women have the abortions?

All races have abortions.

What is the average age of death in 1990?

Thanks in large part to medical science people are living longer and longer. The average life span in 1870 for a female was 25 and for a male was 18. This is much lower compared to 1980 when the average for women was 76 and for men 67. The average ages of death for the last decade 2000-2010 was 78 for both sexes.

Do aliens have abortions?

Yes, illegal aliens have abortions as well.

When was Dayglo Abortions created?

Dayglo Abortions was created in 1979.