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Q: What was the basis of the South's economy?
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Why was south afraid of slavery being outlawed?

Because much of the souths economy depended on it.

How did the civil war hurt the souths economy?

it caused inflation, prices rose 9,000 percent %

What was the souths economy like during the civil war?

Before the War it was great. During and afterwards it was terrible.

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It is separated from North Korea, and Souths' economy is better than norths'.

What is the basis of Washington states economy?

is the basis of Washington state economy is wildressources

Why did the secede after Lincoln was elected president?

because he wanted to abolish slavery and the souths economy depended on slavery for field work while the north had factories to fuel their economy

What is the basis of a market economy?

Supply And Demand is the basis of most activity in a market economy.

What was the basis of the ancient Roman economy?

Like in all pre-industrial economies, the basis of the Roman economy as agriculture.

Why did blockade running become more dangerous in 1863?

Union forces tightened their enforcement of the coasts, hoping to strangle the Souths economy

Why was the economy of the southern colonies dependent on large plantations when?

The economy of the southern states(not colonies) was dependent on large plantations due to the production of cotton, the souths cash crop during the 1800's.

What is the economy of Washington state?

is the basis of Washington state economy is wildressources