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Q: What was the best selling video game before the video game the Sims?
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What is the top selling video game of all time based on units sold?

It is the sims games.The best series was The Legend of Zelda.The best selling game ever was The Legend of Zelda: Oranica of timeThis isn't my opinion, this is true

What is the best video game franchise?

Mario the sims

What was the best selling video game ever?

the best selling video game is wii sports it has sold the same as the wi because it is bundled with it the best selling video game cconsole that is not bundled is wii play it has sold 24 million copies

What is the best- selling video game?

Wii sports is. Before that it was Super Mario Bros.

What is the best selling exercise video?

Jane Fonda

What was the top selling video game in 2008?

Wii Play was the best selling game of 2008.

What was the best selling video game of 2000?

Pokemon Stadium

What is the best selling video game in the US?

Currently MW3

What is the best selling computer game of all time?

The Sims, with 16 million copies shipped.

What was the best selling video game in 2007?

call of duty 4

What was the best selling video game in 2009?

modern warfare 2

Why was Mario created?

Mario was created to be one of the best selling video game for Nintendo