

What was the biblical flood?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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The biblical flood was a mythical flood that covered the whole world to a depth of several kilometres (miles), described in Genesis chapters 6 to 8. Every person on earth was killed, except for the family of Noah, who built an ark to float above the waters.

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How did it rain for the flood of Noah?

The Biblical account of the flood does not indicate how it happened, and most modern Biblical scholars do not believe the event of the flood happened literally.

When did God judge the world with Noah's Flood?

A:According to the biblical account, there was a worldwide flood approximately 4350 years ago. This should be understood in the context of the evidence that the biblical flood never occurred.

What happen to the waters of the biblical flood?

Polar ice caps

Why is the biblical flood studied in earth science?

On the face of it, the biblical flood should not be taught in any science course, since it is a religious story, not something that really happened. Perhaps it is intended to compare the supposed forces of the Flood with the forces that really shaped our world, and the known duration of those forces.

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Science has dated the end of the last Ice Age to about 10,000 years ago. Conservative Biblical scholars, of the kind who hold that the Biblical Flood was a real, divinely created event, have dated the Creation to more recently than 10,000 years ago, and thus the Flood even more recently than that. Therefore, the dates of the Biblical flood and the last Ice Age cannot be compared because they derive from completely unconnected chronologies.

Are black Africans descendants of Noah?

If the story of Noah and the biblical Flood is literally true, then absolutely everyone is descended from Noah. However, there are sound and convincing reasons for believing that the story of Noah and the biblical Flood is not literally true. Black Africans do have the same ancestry as the rest of humanity, but this was far earlier than the biblical story.

Did God flood the earth to get rid of homosexuals?

God brought the great flood to destroy humankind for all their forms of wickedness.

How did the pyramids of the third and fourth dynasties survive the biblical flood but no other did?

The only possible answer for the survival of these pyramids and for the continuation of the Egyptian civilisation right through the time of Noah's Flood, is that there never was a worldwide flood as portrayed in the Bible.

What was the name of the mountain that the ark rested on when the flood subsided from the earth?

According the the biblical story, it was Mount Ararat.

40 D and N in the G F?

Days and Nights of the Great Flood Days and Nights of the Great Flood

R for 40 d and n in the g f?

Rained for 40 days and nights in the Great Flood (Biblical)

Who are Noah's descendants?

A:If the biblical story of Noah and the great worldwide flood were true, we would all be descendants of Noah - every single one of us. However, scientists dismiss the Flood story as purely mythical, as do many theologians and biblical scholars. On this view, Noah did not really exist and therefore does not have any descendants.