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It is made up of Limestone

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Q: What was the chichen itza made of?
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What stone was the Chichen Itza made out of?

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What type of rock was the chichen itza made up of?

Chichen Itza was primarily made up of limestone rock. The ancient Maya used limestone as the main building material for their structures, including the famous pyramids at Chichen Itza.

Who made the chichen itza?

Chichen Itza was built by the Maya civilization, with contributions from different groups over several centuries. The site features a mix of architectural styles reflecting this long history of construction and influence.

What is chichen itza made of?


When was the Chichen Itza made?

100 bc

What is the Chichen Itza Temples made out of?


What is the Chichen Itza temples made of?


When was chichen itza made?

About 700 a.d.

What was the original color of Chichen Itza?

Chichen Itza was originally painted with bright colors such as red, blue, green, and yellow. The limestone buildings were adorned with colorful murals and decorations, which have mostly eroded over time. The vivid colors would have made the structures even more impressive and visually striking.

What are places near the Chichen Itza?

Cancun is near Chichen Itza.

Why was chichen itza made?

Chichen Itza was likely built as a large pre-Columbian city by the Mayan civilization for various purposes, including religious ceremonies, astronomical observations, political activities, and trading. It served as a major center of political and economic activity in the region.

Where are the ruins of the Mayan cities of chichen itza and uxmal located?

chichen itza