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It was very hot (firey) because the earth was made not long before but earth slowly cooled

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1mo ago

During Neanderthal times, the climate was characterized by several ice ages, with alternating cold glacial periods and warmer interglacial periods. Neanderthals adapted to these changing climatic conditions by developing specialized survival strategies.

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14y ago

the ice age. VERY cold weather!

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Q: What was the climate in neanderthal times?
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What was the climate when the neanderthal existed?

Warm and sunny with a slight chance of rain. (Only kidding). Actually there was significant change through out the existence of Neanderthal and eventually, some scientists claim, it lead to their extinction. Neanderthal were ideally suited for the colder climate in which they lived. They had stocky and shorter bodies that allowed them to hold in heat. However, there was a gradual and massive lowering of temperature, and Neanderthal was unable to adapt.

How did the neanderthal died out?

Either because of climate change, or competition from Cro-Magnon man (modern humans).

How did neanderthal become exinct?

Either because of climate change, or competition from Cro-Magnon man (modern humans).

How did the neanderthal man became extinct?

Either because of climate change, or competition from Cro-Magnon man (modern humans).

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Neanderthal - album - was created in 2008.

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Neanderthal man was first discovered in the Neander Valley (German: Neanderthal) near Düsseldorf, Germany in 1856, which is where the name "Neanderthal" comes from. Subsequent findings of Neanderthal fossils have been found in various locations in Europe and Asia.

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Neanderthal - novel - has 368 pages.