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Q: What was the common size of the crew on a Viking long ship?
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He had a crew of 35 men.

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How a viking long ship was assembled?

it was it was

What is the common and proper nouns in this sentence the crew maintained the supplies on the ship?

The common nouns in this sentence is the crew, supplies, and ship. There are no proper nouns in your sentence.

What was a Viking long ship like a surfboard?

Ggvvxfgv. N

What is hard long and has seamen?

A long ship, perhaps full of Viking seamen.

What transport did the vikings use?

He was a viking so he used a ship. The ships the vikings used for long voyages across the Atlantic were called knarrs. They were cargo ships that were about 54 feet long. They held a crew of about 20-30 vikings.

What kind of ship did Eric the red use?

Viking long boat

What ship did Hernando cortez sail in?

viking long bout Nina

How many warriors could a viking long ship carry?

about 100

What are two differences between a viking long ship and a viking trade ship?

Viking long ships could be used for stealth raids because of their thinness and fastness and were Generally used to cut/power on through the ocean. The long ships also had a flexible hull, to bend with the action of the waves and another characteristic of the hull helped it 'cut' through the water (as i've said before). Trade ships were wider than the long ships and had longer sides. They also contained a few oars and obviously, because of the name, they were used to trade so they usually had livestock and other things on board.

What does a viking ship look like?

The Viking long ship is over 30m long but only 6m wide. The Viking long ship was huge and beautiful. At the tip of the ship, there is a dragon or serpent head to scare away victims.At the right side of the ship near the back is a large paddle tied to the hull for steering. Viking ships were pointed at each end and wide in the middle, this often meant that they could sail in relatively shallow waters. by 2ran