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Q: What was the composition of the atmosphere when the earth was first formed?
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The first atmosphere that formed above Earth was most likely due to what process?

Volcanic release of gasses.

What physical features formed during earth 'first several hundred million years?

the atmosphere oceans and continents

What is the earth's first atmosphere primarily compose of?

the earth first atmosphere is troposphere

When Earth's atmosphere formed?

Depends on what you want to define as "atmosphere". The first signs of a type of atmosphere occurred approximately 10 million years when the Earth started to form a cloud of gaseous silica. When the Earth was about 40% its present radius, gravitational attraction would have been sufficient to retain an atmosphere which would included water.

What layer of the atmosphere does convection take place?

That would be the troposphere. It is the first atmospheric layer and is the closest to Earth. This is where clouds and weather are formed.

What was most abundant gas in Earth's first atmosphere?

The most abundant element in earth's first atmosphere is nitrogen. This is a gas which makes 78% of the earth's atmosphere.

Is the earth's atmosphere unique compared with other planet's.why or why not?

Yes, earth's atmosphere is unique among the planet in our solar system. Our atmosphere is largely nitrogen and oxygen. It varies in composition on \Venus and the gas giants, but at first glance, the most typical atmospheric gas in our solar system would seem to be methane. Earth is very different in that regard.

What was the compsition of early atmosphere when the Earth first formed?

Water vapour (produced rain-rivers, lakes, oceans) carbon dioxide nitrogen

Which layer of the atmosphere is the first?

Atmosphere. Ozone is formed by interaction between oxygen in the atmosphere, and UV-C from the Sun.

What is earths atmosphere is primarily composed of?

the earth first atmosphere is troposphere

When was the first atmosphere?

The idea to when first atmosphere was made is difficult. The atmosphere is present from the beginning. This allowed human life on earth.

How has earth atmosphere changes since it first formed?

The earths atmosphere has significantly altered over the years. The process of the earth's atmosphere was recognized and evolved 2.7 billion years ago, forming the nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere that exists today. This change enabled the formation and beginning of the ozone layer (which along with magnetic fields) block solar radiation.