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The case of Hagberg v California Federal Bank contains so much legal mumbo jumbo that it would take a good lawyer to explain it instead of the following simplistic version. Ms Hagberg presented a Smith Barney check to a teller at California Federal Bank. The teller looked at the check and decided something looked wrong. Smith Barney's checks look perfect. That check did not look perfect. The teller called for management as she had been instructed to do in such a case. The manager called Smith Barney. Smith Barney said the check was stolen. The managers called the cops and described the woman as hispanic. The cops came and arrested the woman and took her to a room to interview her. Then Smith Barney called back and said the check was good. After that Ms Hagberg took the case to a civil rights court because of the way the bank management had described her to the cops. The appeal court determined that a persons description given to the cops is privileged information and not slander.

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9mo ago

The court rule in the case of Hagberg v California Federal Bank was that a private party cannot sue a federally chartered bank for violations of state law. The legal principle behind this is that federal law preempts state law when it comes to regulating federally-chartered banks.

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Q: What was the court rule and legal principle in the case of Hagberg v California Federal Bank?
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