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Q: What was the crown of the pharaoh made to do?
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What kind of crown did the Pharaoh of Ta Seti wear?

White Crown

What is a khepresh?

A Khepresh is a headdress that was worn by the pharaohs of Egypt it was also called the blue crown or war crown it was only worn by the pharaoh in rihuals and battel. The one pharaoh that wore this crown the most was king akhenaten . The khepresh was made out of blue cloth or leather with small sun disk's on it with a cobra on the front

Which pharaoh wore the red crown?

the pharaoh wore it to show his or her power over lower egypt

What animals were represented on the crown on Pharaoh Seknaht's cas?

The animals that were represented on the crown of the Pharaoh Seknaht's cast were the lion and cobra. The two animals basically signified power.

What did the different crown of the Pharaohs mean?

The White Crown of Egypt represented the Pharaoh ruling Upper (southern) Egypt. The Red Crown of Egypt represented the Pharaoh ruling Lower (northern) Egypt. Together these crowns meant that the Pharaoh had united both Kingdoms and ruled them both. When put together they formed a general shape of Egypt.

Why did the pharaoh of the first dynasty crown?

they wore the double crown to symbolize their rule over Upper and Lower Egypt.

The unification of upper and lower Egypt is pictured on what?

The double crown of the pharaoh.

What did the red and white crown worn by Pharaoh menes symbolize?

The unification.

What type of crown would a pharaoh wear if he controlled all of Egypt?

Pharaohs wore the royal Deshret (Red Crown), Hedjet (White Crown), Peshent (Red and White Crown), Khepresh (Blue Crown) and Nemes (Head-Cloth Crown). The queens wore Cap-Crown or other fancy headdresses).

Why did the pharaoh of the first dynasty a double crown?

they wore the double crown to symbolize their rule over Upper and Lower Egypt.

What does face look like on isle of the dead in Zelda phantom hourglass?

a Pharaoh guy(more of a dude with a Pharaoh type crown

What color crown would a pharaoh wear if he controlled all of Egypt?
