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One is where people get killed and the other is where they have expiriments.

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Q: What was the difference between a concentration camp and an experimentation camp?
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Not alot. If you are in any of them expect to die.

What is the difference between a concentration camp and a subcamp?

sub is a prefix that basically means below/beneath or under, as in subterranean (below ground), or subtitle ( a smaller title below the main title). A sub-camp is a smaller camp under the purview of a main camp (usually a concentration camp)

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the difference is a concentration camp makes people suffer and a refuge camp helps people recover

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Between 3,000 and 4,000 people died at Breendonk Concentration Camp during the Holocaust.

What kind of camp was dachau?

It was a concentration camp.

What was a major concentration camp?

Banjica concentration camp

What is the difference between a Concentration camp and an Extermation camp?

A Concentration camp was used to torture or force their prisoners to work. An extermination camp was where they were all systematically murdered in mass quantities, and in horrific ways. (An extermination camp was also known as a death camp.) I hope this helps you.

What was selection at a concentration camp?

The first Concentration Camp was the Holocaust

Was Auschwitz supposed to be an concentration camp?

Yes it was a concentration camp.

When was Janowska concentration camp created?

Janowska concentration camp was created in 1941.

Where is the concentration camp in Devils arithmetic?

The concentration camp, unnamed, is someplace in Poland.

What is the difference between concentration camps and a extermation camp?

Extermination camps were used to murder people as efficient as possible but keep some alive and use them for Labour work.