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because they sucked my balls

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Q: What was the division created by the land ordinance of 1785?
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What was the land of ordinance of 1785 created by?


What was the division of land in the Northwest Territory into townships?

Land Ordinance of 1785

Why was the land of ordinance of 1785 important?

The Land Ordinance of 1785 was important because it created the Northwest Territory. President Washington signed the ordinance on August 7, 1789.

What did the land ordinance of 1785 divide the western lands into?

The land ordinance of 1785 was created to divide the land that had been acquired by the U.S..

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Northwest ordinance

Who created a system for bringing new states into the union?

land ordinance 1785

What was created by surveying and dividing public lands by the Confederaton Congress?

Land Ordinance of 1785

Which ordinance sold government land in the west to encourge settlement?

The Land Ordinance of 1785

Legislation passed by Congress authorizing surveys and the division of public lands in the western region of the country?

the land ordinance of 1785

What was the Articles of Confederation strengths?

Some strengths of the AOC were they established congress, the northwest ordinance, and the land ordinance of 1785.

Why was the ordinance of 1785?

Congress created a system for surveying - taking a detailed measurement of an area or land.

Was the purpose of the land ordinance of 1785?

The purpose of the Land Ordinance of 1785 was essentially to repay the debt from the Revolution by surveying and selling lands in the northwest territories.