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Q: What was the dominant desire for liberty in the American colonies?
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What motivated people more to settle in the American Colonies the desire for economic opportunity or the desire for religious freedom?

It was both...and 2 other things, some looked for ADVENTURE, and because off FORCED MIGRATION.

What the American revolution brought into focus the contradiction between the American battle for liberty and?

The American Revolutionary War brought into focus the contradiction between the American battle for liberty and the constitutional monarchy system of the UK. The Americans sought parliamentary representation with regards to taxation which spread into the liberties they came to embrace afterwards.The slavery contradiction was bypassed by the Confederation and became the Framers problem which was not addressed properly or morally. This is especially important based on the relatively small slave population and the population and number of the states seeking the Constitution.

How did the Boston Tea Party contributed to the development of American government?

Trading in the American colonies before the Revolution was controlled by the British, largely by the East India Trading Company. The Boston Tea Party was a protest on this control. Because the East India Trading Company had a monopoly on tea imports to the colonies (and because it was so closely related to the British government), the Sons of Liberty took it upon themselves to throw the tea into the Boston Harbor as a protest to the level of control the British had over the colonies. It can be inferred that the Boston Tea Party, alongside many other acts of protest, contributed to the development of American government by drawing attention to the unfair control Great Britain had over the people in its colonies. This dislike of unfairness and the type of revolutionaries it attracted led to a trend in American government: a love of libery and a desire to protect rights. The same people fighting for freedom were the ones in charge of building a country out of the colonies, and themes of liberty and justice carried through from the Declaration of Independence, to the failed Articles of Confederation and all the way through to the Constitution.

What are symbols that represent the American revolution?

The true and long lasting symbolic values of the American revolution is that people will stand up for what is right. Totalitarian regimes will not last forever because people desire freedom.

How did political systems in the American colonies change during the modern?

Whether these colonies were established by the British, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish or any others, political systems changed because American colonies began to declare independence from their European leaders.

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One feature of the American economy that strained the relationship between the colonies and Britain had to do with international trade. More specifically, it was the increasing desire of Americans to expand trade opportunities to include countries other than Britain.

What motivated people more to settle in the American Colonies the desire for economic opportunity or the desire for religious freedom?

It was both...and 2 other things, some looked for ADVENTURE, and because off FORCED MIGRATION.

What the American revolution brought into focus the contradiction between the American battle for liberty and?

The American Revolutionary War brought into focus the contradiction between the American battle for liberty and the constitutional monarchy system of the UK. The Americans sought parliamentary representation with regards to taxation which spread into the liberties they came to embrace afterwards.The slavery contradiction was bypassed by the Confederation and became the Framers problem which was not addressed properly or morally. This is especially important based on the relatively small slave population and the population and number of the states seeking the Constitution.

What did the colonies develop as a result of Englands policy of salutary neglect?

Salutary neglect was a very "hands-off" approach to the colonies by England. It was a method intended to keep the colonies favorably obedient to England. In the American colonies it, instead, fostered self-control and self-governance which led to the Revolutionary War.

What key factor led to the formation of the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente?

Germany's desire to isolate france and britain's desire to remain dominant

What key factor led to the formation of the triple alliance and triple entent?

Germany's desire to isolate France and britain's desire to remain dominant

What is the point of view of kiplings American rebellion?

Kipling's "American Rebellion" expresses a critical point of view towards the American colonies' desire for independence from Britain. The poem portrays the rebellion as misguided and warns of the potential consequences of challenging established authority.

What is Tybalt's dominant humor?

Tybalt's dominant humor is choleric. He is known for his quick temper, aggression, and desire for revenge.

How did the Boston Tea Party contributed to the development of American government?

Trading in the American colonies before the Revolution was controlled by the British, largely by the East India Trading Company. The Boston Tea Party was a protest on this control. Because the East India Trading Company had a monopoly on tea imports to the colonies (and because it was so closely related to the British government), the Sons of Liberty took it upon themselves to throw the tea into the Boston Harbor as a protest to the level of control the British had over the colonies. It can be inferred that the Boston Tea Party, alongside many other acts of protest, contributed to the development of American government by drawing attention to the unfair control Great Britain had over the people in its colonies. This dislike of unfairness and the type of revolutionaries it attracted led to a trend in American government: a love of libery and a desire to protect rights. The same people fighting for freedom were the ones in charge of building a country out of the colonies, and themes of liberty and justice carried through from the Declaration of Independence, to the failed Articles of Confederation and all the way through to the Constitution.

What key factor led the formation of the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente?

Germany's desire to be dominant.

What does Give me liberty of give me death stand for?

Patrick Henry's quotation indicated the level of resolve that the American colonists had in their desire for independence. Many colonists were willing to fight, and many did die, in pursuit of their freedom.