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Due to large scale use of water the aral sea becomes more saltier leading to a vicious circle.

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11y ago

The aral sea has decreased in size and all the living things there are gone, for example the 24 different species of unknown fish have all died out

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Q: What was the effect of irrigation on the Aral sea?
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Why was the water supply to the Aral sea diverted?

The water supply to the Aral Sea was diverted for irrigation in central Asia.

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The production of cotton effect Uzbekistan's environment?

The Aral Sea Shrinkage due to artificial irrigation of the cotton and rice fields.

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The sea that will disappear if continued to be used for cotton irrigation is the Aral Sea. This is on account of the fact that they divert the rivers in order to perform the cotton irrigation and this causes no water to be able to reach the Aral Sea.

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The Soviets constructed huge irrigation facilities to boost the land under irrigation from the Aral Sea

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From wikipedia: "Irrigation" is an artificial application of water to the soil.The problem must be the Aral Sea shrinkage.The Aral Sea lost 90% of its volume within a few decades due to the intense irrigation of cotton and rice fields in Central Asia since 1960s.

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The Aral sea has not been diverted, but much of the water from the rivers flowing to the Aral sea have been diverted for irrigation, particularly for cotton and rice production in central Asia.

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Aral Sea