

What was the effect on cotton gin?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What was the effect on cotton gin?
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How did the cotton gin effect the north?

your mom is the effect

How did the invention of the cotton gin effect the world?

so the slaves really did not have to pick them and, clean them all they had to do was get the cotton and put it in the cotton gin .

What was the main effect of Eli whitney's cotton gin change on the south?

The Cotton Gin helped the slaves pick the seeds out of the cotton>

What was an unintended negetive effect on the cotton gin?

The growth of slavery was a negative effect of the cotton gin. Because the gin could remove the seeds from the cotton boll more cotton was grown. Therefore more slaves were needed. As the amount of cotton grew so did the need for slaves.

What were the cause and effect of cotton gin?

To get people drunk

What effect did the invention of cotton gin have in the south?

The South became the cotton producing part of the country because of the cotton gin. Promoted "cotton-picking" by slaves, and therefore, promoted slavery.

What effect did the cotton gin have in America?

making blue jeans

What was the unintended negative effect of the cotton gin?

it increased slavery

How did the cotton gin effect New England?

i didn't it stayed the same.

Should you capitalize cotton gin?

You would not capitalize it. cotton gin

Did the cotton gin have any effect on the country?

Yes. It produced more cotton faster and sold better.

How did the cotton gin effect America today?

The cotton gin eliminated the need for mass labor because it picked and cleaned cotton much faster than human hands could do the job.