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As mission control performed its final system checks, Scott Carpenter, the backup astronaut for the mission, said "Godspeed, John Glenn."

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Q: What was the exact quote that Scott carpenter said to john glenn?
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What was John Glenn famous quote about his neighbor on the moon landing?

John Glenn's famous quote about landing on the moon was: "As I hurtled through space, one thought kept crossing my mind - every part of this rocket was supplied by the lowest bidder."

What is a famous quote of john glenn?

John Glenn said "If there is one thing I've learned in my years on this planet, it's that the happiest and most fulfilled people I've known are those who devoted themselves to something bigger and more profound than merely their own self-interest".

Who wrote the quote Shoot for the moon Even if you miss you'll land among the stars?

The quote "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars" is often attributed to Norman Vincent Peale, a minister and author known for his inspirational writings. However, the exact origin of the quote is uncertain, as similar variations have been used by various authors and speakers over the years.

What did david Scott say when he landed on the moon?

David Scott, an astronaut on Apollo 15, is known for saying "Okay, Houston, as I stand out here in the wonders of the unknown at Hadley, I sort of realize there's a fundamental truth to our nature. Man must explore." This iconic quote captured the sentiment of exploration and discovery during the Apollo missions.

Is this quote It is some meteor that the sun exhales a metaphor?

A couple of things. Firstly, I'm not trying to be an Internet troll, but some punctuation would have helped me understand this a lot faster. Quotation marks are there for this exact reason. Now looking at this, i would have to say that it is more Personification than anything. As for a metaphor, i don't think so, if i had a little more context, like sentences around the quote i may be able to help. But I think its Personification.

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What was the exact quote Scott carpenter said to john glenn?

As mission control performed its final system checks, Scott Carpenter, the backup astronaut for the mission, said "Godspeed, John Glenn."

What is a persons exact words?

An exact quote would be...a quote, basically, with nothing edited, as in a quote.

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" i dont have any quotes " -elizabeth scott That is her quote.

What was John Glenn famous quote about his neighbor on the moon landing?

John Glenn's famous quote about landing on the moon was: "As I hurtled through space, one thought kept crossing my mind - every part of this rocket was supplied by the lowest bidder."

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One of Dred Scott's most notable quotes is: "I am not only a man, but a man of the United States of America."

Is this sentence a direct quote or indirect quote you bake your own pies said the waitress?

That is a direct quote since those are the waitress' exact words. It would be an indirect quote if you summarized her words.

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Exact Quote

Did fatal attraction have the line you will not be ignored?

The actual quote from the movie was Glenn Close's character wherein she said "I won't be ignored."

Are quotes a form of poetry?

No. A quote is where we give someone's exact words. You can quote from a poem, but also from a newspaper article or a story or a speech.

When is it acceptable to use a direct quote in your research paper?

When the exact wording of the quote is important you welcome