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Q: What was the explanation that napoleon and squealer as to what happen to boxer?
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What animals disagree with the explanation that Snowball was Jones' secret agent from the very beginning?

Boxer was the one who disagree with the explanation that Squealer said about Snowball.

What happen to Boxer in Animal Farm?

Boxer was sent to the glue factory. (They killed him.)

How does squealer claim boxer spent his last hours?

had actually jumped to the conclusion that Boxer was being sent to the knacker's. It was almost unbelievable, said Squealer, that any animal could be so stupid. Surely, he cried indignantly, whisking his tail and skipping from side to side, surely they knew their beloved Leader, Comrade Napoleon, better than that? But the explanation was really very simple. The van had previously been the property of the knacker, and had been bought by the veterinary surgeon, who had not yet painted the old name out. That was how the mistake had arisen.

What does boxer not believe snowball did?

Betray them at the scene of the battle but is persuaded otherwise by squealer

Why does Napoleon seem to feel threatened by Boxer?

Napoleon's motive for betraying boxer was to remove a potential threat. The animals rallied around boxer if his opinion would change against Napoleon he would loose some of his control of the farm.

Who are the main characters of the book animal farm and what is an adjective to describe them?

The main characters are... - Mr. Jones - Napoleon - leader - Squealer - reporter - Boxer - muscle - Moses - Old Major - Snowball - Mollie - conceited - Mr. Pilkington - Mr. Fredrick

Why do the animals have difficulty explaining Squealer's fall from the ladder?

In Chapter 8 of Animal Farm the animals, except Boxer, don't know why Squealer fell off the ladder because they don't understand that he has been changing the Seven Commandments to suit the purposes of Napoleon the entire time. The also don't know that he is drunk, which was previously a commandment punishable by death.

Who killed boxer in Animal Farm?

Boxer dies in Chapter Nine when the pigs sell him to a "'Alfred Simmonds, Horse Slaughterer and Glue Boiler,... Dealer in Hides and Bone-Meal." He is injured in his attempt to defend the windmill. However, Squealer weaves a brilliant and moving tail of how no expense was spared by Napoleon on Boxer's medical treatment, and that Boxer's last words praised Animal Farm in particular and Napoleon especially. This is a brilliant example of the cold and cruel exploitation of the loyal working classes and propaganda.

What happens to boxer and how do the other animals learn of his fate?

The van that arrived to pick up Boxer was label for the slaughter house. The animals were distressed until Squealer informed them Boxer had actually be sent to a hospital.

Why is boxer so important to napoleon's success?

Boxer is very important to Napoleon's success because no other animal on the farm works harder than Boxer. He is also the most dedicated and loyal worker.

Why does napoleon try to have boxer killed?

because he wants to...

Who said you will work harder and Napoleon is always right?
