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The Berlin Jews were deported to various places, starting in October 1941: * Riga, which became a killing field. * Theresienstadt (then later on to Auschwitz). * Some were dumped in the already crowded Warsaw Ghetto. * Auschwitz.

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In most cases the Nazi ghettos were a death trap. Very few Jews who went into ghettos survived. They either died of starvation or disease in the ghetto or were taken to extermination camps and killed.

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they were billeted, then they would try to find work and food

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Q: What was the fate of the Berlin Jews in the Holocaust?
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most of them would die in the Holocaust.

How many Jews died in Berlin during the Holocaust?

65000 60%

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Concentration camps and Gas chambers.

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most of the Jews within Romania's pre-war borders survived, but this was arguably at the expense of the Jews within the territories that Romania gained during the war.

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to eliminate Jews from the Nazi-controlled territory

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The Jews targeted in the Holocaust were civilians.

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there would not have been the Holocaust without the Jews.

Which German city in had most Jews before the holocaust?

In the 1920s Berlin had a Jewish population (in the sense of religious Jews) of about 140,000 which was about a quarter of Germany's Jews. Obviously, if you include people of Jewish origin you get a higher figure.The German-speaking city with the largest Jewish population was, however, Vienna (the capital of Austria).

Can Jewish people cross the Berlin wall?

The Berlin Wall was to prevent all citizens of East Germany from escaping East Germany by going to West Berlin. It was built in 1961, long after the Holocaust, and had nothing to do with any distinction between Jews or Non-Jews, but rather East German citizens and West German citizens.

In the Holocaust what did Jews get killed for doing?

In the Holocaust Jews were killed simply for being Jews, in fact simply for existing.

How was Berlin during the holocaust?

Berlin was bombed a lot during this period.