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In electronic form, or in programatic form? A sundial could be thought of as a computing (measurement) system. Most of the early computers were really nothing more than control devices, or: systems that were designed to perform a specific and unique task. Computers can be classified by three major types: 1. Measurement Devices 2. Control Devices. 3. Logic Devices. Modern computers are a combination of several hundred (or even millions) of these systems, and unlike early computers - rarely use all of their systems functions or capabilities at the same time. Measurement devices, such as the most early clocks (Think of a grandfather clock, with weight suspended above an axis that provides power for the internal gearworks), are considered computer/measurement/tabulation devices because they do in fact count and report accurate readings (of time or the cycle of the moon). Control devices, such as "go or no-go" systems will take measurements and then perform an action. The "action" activity is what makes it a control device. Something either happens or does not happen when a pre-calibrated register is reconciled against an unknown measurement. You will find these systems in many quality control stations on factory lines. Logic devices - probably the most commonly thought of computer, is less of a calibrated machine and more like a traditional computer. A logic controlled device can make decisions and/or perform more than just one function. Algebra: If a=2 and c=4 then b must = 3 if sequence graduation <2 (As an example) - Computers that use logic can make decisions based on their input and any combination of measurement and control devices that are integrated with their framework. Computers that use logic go back several thousand years. They were not electro-mechanical however. The biggest difference between a catapult in 300 B.C. and a modern artillery piece is the fact that guidance and trajectory was calulated by a person instead of a computer - same math however, just performed more quickly. Same adjustments - just performed by integrated mechanical systems instead of a bunch of men adjusting ropes and chassis direction.

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15y ago
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7y ago

The first practical computer was used for military use.

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9y ago
AnswerThe first computers were used for military use specifically.
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16y ago

The UNIVAC is the first commerical computer made in USA. It was used for American census in 1951.

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14y ago

the first computer was invented by Blaise Pascal to help his father who was the town's tax collector

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10y ago

The original purpose for ENIAC, the first computer, was to calculate artillery firing tables for the U.S. military.

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13y ago

Replacing human computers.

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12y ago

military used computers to share data

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The first computer used for calculation is highly dependent on what you consider a computer to be. In many views, the first computer used for calculations was the abacus which dates back to 2400 BC.

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It is known that this computer was used to go on twitter

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The first computer was used in the decoding of German Enigma machine codes. Blexsley Hall, England,1943

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