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The first computer was used in the decoding of German Enigma machine codes. Blexsley Hall, England,1943

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Q: First computer which place used and why?
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When was the first computer used in schools?

1951 was when the first computer was used

Areas of computer used?

The computer is used all over the place!

What country was first to use the computer and for what?

The country that was the first to use the computer was Germany. This computer was a binary calculator and was used to complete mathematical computations. The first computer used for breaking codes was used in England.

What was the first computer used for calculation?

The first computer used for calculation is highly dependent on what you consider a computer to be. In many views, the first computer used for calculations was the abacus which dates back to 2400 BC.

Who use the first computer?

Charles Babez used the first computer.

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The Computer Chips first used in cars were in 1981, was in the carburetor. General Motors and Corvettes were the first pioneers in placing computer chips in cars.

Who was the first computer used?


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A chess computer is a machine that can play chess without human input. The first stand alone chess computer was the Chess Challenger which was first used in 1977.

Was there a keyboard on the first computer?

No, the first computer's used switches ( 0, 1 ) to set things.

What could the first computer do?

It is known that this computer was used to go on twitter