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Q: What was the first country to invent gunpowder?
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What country discovered sulfur?

China. They used it to invent gunpowder.

What date did china invent gunpowder?

The first documented note of gunpowder was in China, in around 142 A.D.

What year did the Chinese invent the first rockets powered by gunpowder?

1000AD or so.

What country gunpowder invented first?


What did Europeans invent?

Gunpowder for guns

Who was the first person to invent the gunpowder?

The Chinese are credited with the invention of gunpowder more than 1,000 years ago. The actual person who put the compound together for the first time is unknown to history.

Which country was the first to invent the country?


When did the Europeans invent gunpowder?

they, didn't the Chinese did.

Which country first used gunpowder in rockets?

Great Britain

Why did wei boyan invent gunpowder?

for him to stay alive

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What year did Roger Bacon invent Gunpowder?