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Two events in particular led to the Patriot victory over the British at Yorktown. The first was the assembly of a large and well-led army, a mixture of American and French forces that outnumbered and outmaneuvered the British force led by Lord Cornwallis. The second was an important naval victory by a French fleet over a British fleet that resulted in the isolation of the British land-force and the severing of its supply line.

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they made the mistake of staying there to communicate with the British navy

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Q: What was the first event that led to the patorits defent to the brishtsh at Yorktown?
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The LAST major event of the Revolutionary War was at?

Yorktown surrender.

What was the final major battle of the revolutionary war?

British surrender at Yorktown Virginia was the last major event,

What was the first event that led to the patriots defeat of the British of Yorktown?

The key event that led to the Patriots' defeat of the British at Yorktown was the naval battle that preceded it. In the Battle of the Chesapeake, a French navy met, defeated, and drove off the English fleet that was attempting to cover and supply the British army on land at Yorktown. With the British now trapped in their positions without hope of being supplied, the victory at Yorktown was all but assured.

What event happened directly before Cornwallis surrendered?

The Battle of Yorktown came immediately before Cornwallis surrendered.

What important event took place in Yorktown in the revolutionary war?

The surrender of the British forces under Lord Cornwallis, the last battle of the American Revolution.

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British surrender at Yorktown Virginia was the last major event,

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George Washington led the battle

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The American victory at Yorktown

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The key event that led to the Patriots' defeat of the British at Yorktown was the naval battle that preceded it. In the Battle of the Chesapeake, a French navy met, defeated, and drove off the English fleet that was attempting to cover and supply the British army on land at Yorktown. With the British now trapped in their positions without hope of being supplied, the victory at Yorktown was all but assured.

What was the first event that led to the patriots defeat of the british at Yorktown?

The key event that led to the Patriots' defeat of the British at Yorktown was the naval battle that preceded it. In the Battle of the Chesapeake, a French navy met, defeated, and drove off the English fleet that was attempting to cover and supply the British army on land at Yorktown. With the British now trapped in their positions without hope of being supplied, the victory at Yorktown was all but assured.

What two event ended the revolutionary war?

The two events that ended the Revolutionary War Yorktown and the Treaty of Paris

What event happened directly before Cornwallis surrendered?

The Battle of Yorktown came immediately before Cornwallis surrendered.

Which event occurred first battle of Yorktown winter at Valley Forge battle of saratoga battle of Lexington and concord?

1775- Lexington and Concord 1777-Battle of Saratoga 1777-8- Winter at Valley Forge 1781- Battle of Yorktown

What important event took place in Yorktown in the revolutionary war?

The surrender of the British forces under Lord Cornwallis, the last battle of the American Revolution.