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Q: What was the first measurement tool who created it and what did it measure?
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What is the extent to which a measurement tool actually measures what you wish to measure?

Validity is the extent to which a measurement tool actually measures what we wish to measure.

What measurement tool used to measure wind direction?

Why weather tool is used to measure wind direction

What measurement tool do you use to measure a bull ant?

A ruler

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What were some more of the early tools to aid in measurement?

The body was the first tool esed to aid in measure ment. Jonathan McKnight

What measurement tool would you use to measure 5 grams?

A mass balance.

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How do you measure the weight of an airplane without disassembling the plane or using any weight measurement tools?

Measuring the weight of any body requires a tool to measure it. A measurement without a tool is an estimate, not a measurement.Measuring the weight of an airplane without a measuring tool cannot be done.

What meashurement tool is used to measure salt crystals?

This measurement is made with a measuring microscope.

When we refer to the psychometric properties of a measure, we’re talking about what exactly?

The validity and reliability of the measurement tool.

What is the tool used to measure area?

the tool used to measure a area is a tape measure

Is the extent to which a study or research instrument accurately measures what it is supposed to measure.?

Validity is the extent to which a measurement tool actually measures what we wish to measure.