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Q: What was the first practical color process?
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What was edward steichen's first color process known as?

for his art work

Who invented the food cans?

The first practical canning process was developed by Nicolas Appert in the early years of the 19th century.

Are color laser printers practical in their use?

Yes, color laser printers are practical in their use. They are more effective at printing large amounts of documents at a faster rate.

Who invented the first practical steamboats?

Robert Fulton invented the first practical steamboat.

When did Peter Goldmark invent the color television?

Peter Goldmark did not invent color television. The first practical demonstration of color television was in 1928 by John Logie Baird. The color system he developed was not a commercial success. Goldmark worked on a version of color television in the 1940s with CBS. This version wasn't a commercial success either but it was twelve years after Baird's first model.

Who invitnted the first practical typewritter?

Christopher Sholes developed the first practical typewriter in 1868.

When was the semiconductor built?

Semiconductors aren't built, they are chemicals. Maybe you are thinking of semiconductor electronic components. The first semiconductor discovered was galena (lead sulfide) which was first used in a practical electronic component in 1874. The next semiconductor discovered was copper oxide which was first used in a practical electronic component in 1924. After that many others were discovered including selenium, germanium, and silicon. It was not practical to build electronic components using silicon until 1958 when Fairchild perfected their silicon mesa process, then in 1959 their silicon planar process.

What is color theory?

Color theory is a set of principles that describe how colors interact with each other. It includes concepts such as the color wheel, color harmony, and the psychological effects of colors. Color theory is used in various fields such as art, design, and marketing to create visually appealing combinations and communicate messages effectively.

How do you dye dark red hair bright red?

This is a two step process. First bleach the hair to get rid of the dark color, then dye it the color you want.

Which syllable carries the main stress in practical?

Practical is stressed on the first syllable.

Who invented the first practical radio signal system?

the first practical radio signal system is Jan Hendrix Campos

Who invented the first practical snowmobile?

Joseph bombardier invented the first practical snowmobile leading to the brand ski- doo.