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Constantine I he was an Athiest but turned to Christian. He was preparing for battle and he saw a cross in the sky and thought it was a message from God that he wanted him to win the battle so he had his men but the cross on there shields and he won.

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Q: Who was romes first Christian emperor How did he become Christian?
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In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.

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