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Mariner 9 took on that spacecraft's mission of mapping 70 percent of the Martian surface in addition to its own objective of studying changes over time in the Martian atmosphere and surface.

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The first spacecraft to orbit another planet was Mariner 9, which orbited Mars in 1971.

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Q: What was the first spacecraft to orbit another planet?
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Which of the mariner series of space probes was the first spacecraft to orbit another planet?

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The first US spacecraft to enter into an orbit around a planet other than the moon was Mariner 2, which orbited Venus in 1962.

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NASA's Mariner 4 was the first spacecraft to slow itself and change its orbit by deliberately skimming through the atmosphere of another planet, which was Mars in 1965. This close approach allowed it to collect valuable data and images of the Martian surface as it flew by.

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Mariner 9 was a NASA space probe that became the first spacecraft to orbit another planet when it entered orbit around Mars in 1971. It mapped 85% of the Martian surface, providing valuable data and images that revolutionized our understanding of the planet.

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John Glenn orbited the Earth in the Friendship 7 spacecraft on February 20, 1962, becoming the first American to orbit our planet.

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Yuri Gagarin, the first man to orbit the Earth in a spacecraft, was from the Soviet Union (modern-day Russia). He completed his historic orbit on April 12, 1961, aboard the Vostok 1 spacecraft.