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Wisconsin amd Plymouth were the first to make Thanksgiving a national hioliday.

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Q: What was the first state to make Thanksgiving a holiday?
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What country celebrates the holiday called Thanksgiving in November?

Thanksgiving is a national holiday in the USA. It is celebrated on the third Thursday of November. During the time US President Lincoln was in office, he was pressured by Protestant religious leaders to make the traditional feast day of Protestants a national holiday. Since the overwhelming population in that time was some form of Protestantism, Lincoln made the day, Thanksgiving, a national holiday.

Was there pumpkin pie at the first Thanksgiving?

Surely not. The cornucopia ("horn of plenty") is an ancient symbol of food and abundance, arising out of Greek mythology. It has become associated with the holiday we observe as Thanksgiving. But the Pilgrims didn't know they were having something called "Thanksgiving" at that first feast in 1621. They didn't say "This is the first Thanksgiving." It was just a big holiday feast of celebration. Commemoration came later.The Wikipedia entry for Thanksgiving tells us that the first official Thanksgiving Proclamation made in America was issued by the Continental Congress in 1777. Later on, in 1789, it became a national holiday.

Which was the last state to make Christmas an official holiday?

Oklahoma was the last state to make Christmas an official holiday. Judy from Kirkwood, MO

Who persuaded President Lincoln to declare Thanksgiving Day a national holiday?

A writer, Sarah Josepha Hale, who is best known for the poem "Mary Had a Little Lamb", is credited for persuading Abraham Lincoln to name Thanksgiving as a national holiday. Lincoln officially designated the last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving in 1863. Actually the support for this came from a wider group of people, not just a single individual. Evangelical Christians pressed US President Lincoln to make the Protestant feast day of Thanks Giving a national holiday.

What was the purpose of the first thanksgiving involving Native Americans and the Pilgrims?

To make peace and come together

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Abraham Lincoln

What state first adopted Thanksgiving?

new york

Who was the was the first president to make thanksgiving a national holiday?

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Was Truman the first president to make thanksgiving a national holiday?

No. It was President Abraham Lincoln who made it a national holiday in 1863.

Who created the Thanksgiving holiday?

William Bradford, William Bradford mentioned the first Thanksgiving with the Native Americans

When did Lincoln make thanksgiving a holiday?

October 3, 1863.

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What year did the US make Thanksgiving a national holiday?

1863 :)

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New York

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What president make thanksgiving a public holiday?

Franklin d Roosevelt

What year did George Washington make a thanksgiving a national holiday?

he didn't