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Q: What was the first step called in making raw cotton into cloth?
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By 1840 what was Britain's most valuable product?

Cotton cloth was the most valuable product in Great Britain. Making the cotton cloth was a two step process. First, spinners made cotton thread from raw cotton. They then wove the cloth thread into cloth onto looms, which was usually done in the weavers' rural cottages. This production came to be known as the cottage industry.

By 1840 britains most valuable product was?

Cotton cloth was the most valuable product in Great Britain. Making the cotton cloth was a two step process. First, spinners made cotton thread from raw cotton. They then wove the cloth thread into cloth onto looms, which was usually done in the weavers' rural cottages. This production came to be known as the cottage industry.

What civilization was the first to use cotton cloth?

answer is...

How is cotton cloth made?

First the fibers are spun into thread, then the thread is woven into cloth.

What are the steps involved in cotton making processing?

You don't exactly "make" cotton, because it's a natural fiber. With that, here's how to make cotton cloth: First, plant the cotton and raise it to maturity. When the cotton is ripe, pick the cotton. The days of hand-picked cotton in the United States have been gone for centuries. Cotton is mechanically harvested. Once the cotton is picked, it is then compressed into a huge bale called a Cotton Module with a machine called a module builder. (Given that, there are new cotton picking systems that have onboard module builders.) The cotton is then run through a cotton gin, a machine that removes the seeds and bales the cotton lint. The cotton gin made industrial cotton production possible because cotton is, by weight, mostly seed. If you produce 100 kilograms of cotton lint on a gin, you will have also produced 160 kilograms of cottonseed. Now they have to decide what the lint is going to be used for. Cotton can be used in two ways: as cotton cloth and as cotton wool. (Cotton balls are cotton wool.) The cotton that is destined to be cotton wool is shipped to companies that make those products. Cotton that is to become cloth is first spun into yarns of various diameters and softnesses. If it's going to be made into single-color cloth they oftentimes dye the yarn before weaving the cloth. Printed cloth is made from white yarn. Then they weave it, put it on bolts and ship it.

What is the name of the first cloth made in India?

cotton was the first cloth that was made in India but than branched out.

The production of what was one of the first industries to be affected by the industrial revolution?

cotton cloth

What is the cloth first made in India?

The cloth first made in India is believed to be cotton. India has a long history of cotton cultivation and textile production, dating back over 5000 years. Cotton fabric has been an integral part of Indian culture and economy for centuries.

Who started the first factory to turn raw cotton into woven cloth in the US?

francis lowell

How cotton turned into clothes?

First the cotton gets picked afterwards it gets cleaned and also get dyed, or whitened, then spun into thin threads. Then the threads gets woven into cloth. After the cloth gets cut into pieces and stitched together as clothes.

What was the commonly used fabric or cloth in ancient india?

People in India wore mostly cotton clothing. India was the first place where cotton was grown, even as early as 2500 BC in the Harappan period.By the Aryan period, women wore one very long piece of cloth called a sari that they wrapped around themselves in different ways. The word "sari" comes from a Sanskrit word that just means cloth.

What do I use to clean cds?

Rubbing Alcohol with a soft cotton cloth.. Try using baby wipes, but rince them first