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Q: What was the first step in becoming a knight?
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The first step in training of becoming a knight?

1st-Becoming a page 2nd- A squire who helps out a knight 3rd- A knight

Second step in becoming a knight?

The first step to becoming a knight was to spend about seven years as a page, a young apprentice in the service of a knight who trained him. The page was usually seven to fourteen years old. After being a page, the apprentice graduated to a higher level, and spent seven years as a squire.

The second step in becoming a knight?

becoming a Squire

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The first step to becoming a knight was to spend about seven years as a page, a young apprentice.

What are first two steps in being a scientist?

The first step to becoming a knight was to spend about seven years as a page, a young apprentice.

What were the steps of becoming a knight?

first boyhood then page then squire then knight

What is the first stage of becoming a knight?

The first stage of becoming a Knight was to serve a Lord as a page for seven years from the age of 7, learning a host of basic skills.

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What is the first step toward becoming for your health?

The first step in becoming responsible for your health is eating right and taking care of yourself

What is the first step towards becoming responsible for your health?

The first step in becoming responsible for your health is eating right and taking care of yourself

Who is the first to step forward and accept the Green Knight's offer?

King Arthur is the first to step forward and accept the Green Knight's offer to strike his head off with an axe. Sir Gawain stops Arthur and convinces him to step aside and allow Gawain to strike the Green Knight instead.

What is the first step to becoming responsible for your health?

The first step on becoming responsible for your health is healthy eating and exercising. You need to keep track of what you eat and exercise daily.