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Hot air balloon

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Q: What was the first successful method of flying developed by man?
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Who created the first flying machine?

The first flying machines were made by the two American brothers the Wright Brothers, they flew it for the first time at Kitty Hawk. Actually, that was the first "successful" flying machine. The actual first flying machines were created, although they were not "patented," nor were they successful, by Leonardo da Vinci.

John deer developed the first what?

John Deere developed the first successful steel plow in 1837.

Who was the inventor of the first successful flying machine?

leonardo da vinci

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Rober Kock developed the culture plate method to identify pathogens.

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Who invented the very first successful flying machine and was a us citizen?

the write brothers.

When did the first picture camera come out?

The first successful picture camera was the Daguerrotype developed around 1825

When was the Wright Brothers first successful flight with an airplane?

They flew their first successful glider in 1901,then went onwards to develop powered, controllable flying machines.

Where was the Wright brothers first flying place?

The first successful flight by the Wright brothers was at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.

The person who first developed a somewhat crude method of classification for organisms was?

The person who first developed a somewhat crude method of classification for organisms was Carolus Linnaeus. He is known as the "Father of Taxonomy" for his work in developing the binomial nomenclature system in the 18th century.

Who developed moderen SCUBA gear?

The first commercially successful SCUBA systems were developed by Emile Gagnan and Jacques-Yves Cousteau.

What is the wrights brothers famous for?

making the first airplane and succesfully flying it