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Q: What was the first use of nuclear energy before electricity?
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When was nuclear energy?

First large scale production of electricity was in mid 1950's, Calder Hall in UK ans Shippingport in US

How was nuclear energy used in the past?

The nuclear energy first used was I suppose the A-Bomb dropped on Hiroshima, and it had a bad effect on the people who lived there.

How nuclear energy transformed to thermal energy?

A nuclear power plant first converts binding energy into thermal energy in order to transfer the energy to where it can be most readily utilized. From there, it flashes water to steam, which spins turbines, which turn generators, which make electricity.

Has nuclear energy been used sucessfully in the past?

Hydro-electricity comes from river water turning turbines, but it is just the same as any other electricity. It is fed into the electricity grid and sent into homes and factories to boil water, cook chickens and produce hybrid cars.

When did nuclear power first begin?

For electricity production, 1956

An event in history that involved Nuclear energy?

Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster - April 26, 1986. Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station Accident - March 28, 1979 First man-made nuclear reactor that reached criticality - December 2, 1942 (Manhattan Project) Nuclear reactor first used for electricity - December 20, 1951

How is nuclear energy is useful?

NUCLEAR DEBATE 1)Proponents of nuclear energy assert that nuclear power is a compact, reliable sustainable energy source that reduces carbon emissions and increases energy security. Proponents highlight that nuclear energy's operational safety record is already very good when compared to other major power plant technologies. They claim that the risks of waste and other environmental impacts are small compared to other sources of electricity and can be further reduced by improved technology in new reactors. 2)Mainly to produce electricity. Also to produce radio-isotopes for medical and industrial use 3)The two "basic types" of nuclear energy are based on fission and fussion. Fission is basically atom splitting. Fusion is the forcing together of nuclei and causing them to fuse, to stick together, and to form a new nucleus. In both nuclear reactions, a lot of heat is generated. The reactions can be set up to occur "really fast" and release energy all at one. This the idea behind the nuclear weapons. There is another idea. Because the primary useful energy released in nuclear reactions is heat, that heat can be captured to do useful work. At present, we can't do any "controlled fusion" and capture heat to generate electric power. But we can use fission to our advantage to make heat to boil water to generate steam to turn a turbine to turn a generator and make electricity. And we do this pretty well.

Why was nuclear power plants invented in the first place?

to generate electricity.

How is energy created from nuclear energy as per the first law of thermodynamics?

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can be transformed, but not created nor destroyed. In a nuclear reaction, mass is transformed into energy.

Can nuclear energy kill cats?

This could be answered two ways, and both are yes. First is if everything's going right. Nuclear energy comes out as electricity. Nuclear-generated electricity is just like coal-generated, hydroelectric, natural gas-generated or any other kind of electricity, and it'll electrocute a cat if you're not careful. The other is if something goes wrong and radiation escapes. If the cat is close enough to the nuclear plant to get a lethal dose of radiation, or it eats an animal that received a lethal dose of radiation, the cat will die of radiation poisoning.

What was the first nuclear facility to generate electricity in the US?

The SM-1 nuclear reactor in Fort Belvior in virginia.

What is nuclear energy first changed to in a Power Plant?

Thermal energy