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Q: What was the first victorian called?
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What was the name of the first Victorian bike?

the first bike was called the penny - farthing used for rich people

What is a valid Victorian?

First of all it is called valedictorian and it is one of the top people in college.

Why did the Victorian Age happen?

It was called the Victorian Age as it was the time the Queen Victoria ruled.

Who ruled in the Victorian days?

In Britain, Queen Victoria ruled, that is why they were called the Victorian days,

What was a Victorian plow called?

a plow

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Who was the first and the last Victorian kings?

There were no Victorian kings. There was a Victorian era, which took its name from England's long reigning QueenVictoria.

In Victorian England what people were popularly called robins because of?

Postmen in Victorian England were called "Robins" because of their red uniforms.

When was the first Victorian horse and carriage built?

The first Victorian horse and carriage built in Hungary in the 15 to 16 centry.

What was Typhoid called in Victorian times?

The Victorians called it typhus

How many people in a Victorian class?

my school was victorian and it had 12 puples in when it first opened

Why were policeman called bobbies in Victorian times?

Policemen were called "bobbies" in Victorian times after Sir Robert Peel, the founder of the Metropolitan Police in London in 1829. The 'bobbies' were named after his first name, Robert, and this term eventually became synonymous with police officers in the UK.