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the color blue and kira's dad christopher

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Q: What was the gifts Matt gave kira in the book gathering blue?
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Related questions

Why was Matt gone in Gathering Blue?

Matt was taken away in Gathering Blue because he was identified as having a unique skill in stone-cutting, which was deemed valuable by the village elders. As a result, he was selected to live and work in the nearby village where he could utilize his talent.

What did kira tell jamison about Matt in the book gathering blue?

In "Gathering Blue," Kira tells Jamison that Matt is a kind-hearted and helpful boy. She describes him as resourceful and always willing to assist others in need. Kira appreciates Matt's friendship and values his loyalty.

Who are the characters in the book gathering blue by Lois Lowry?

Kira, Matt, Jamison, Thomas, Annabella, Christopher, Jo, Vandara, and Katrina (who is dead)

Who wrote the book ''Gathering Blue''?

"The Gathering" was written by Anne Enright.

Is Gathering blue a young adult fiction novel?

Yes. Gathering Blue is a book for teenagers.

What is the book gathering blue about?

the book gathering blue is a cool book. its VERY hard to explain, but it is a book with lots of twists and surprises. also, you get really connected with the characters. I would recommend it.

What book comes after the messenger by Lois Lowry?

The book that follows "The Messenger" by Lois Lowry in The Giver Quartet series is called "Son." This book explores the story of Claire, a young woman from the same community as Jonas, the protagonist in "The Giver."

Is Jonas from the in gathering blue?

Jonas from The Giver is not in the book.

Why was gathering blue banned?

they have sex a lot in the book

How old was Katrina kiras mom in gathering blue?

Katrina's mother was not mentioned by age in the book "Gathering Blue" by Lois Lowry.

What is a hyperbole in the book Gathering Blue?

In the book "Gathering Blue," a hyperbole is an exaggeration used for emphasis or effect. One example of hyperbole in the book is when Kira describes the building as so tall it touches the sky.

Is there a second book to the book the giver By Lowis Lowry?

No, but there is a partner-novel called "Gathering Blue".