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Q: What was the goal of the unions red river campaign?
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What was the Red River Campaign?

it was a biq campain in the red river

What Union general was blamed for the failure of Red River Campaign?

Union general Nathaniel Banks was blamed for the failure of the Red River Campaign. This series of battles took place between March and May of 1864.

When was the first battle of the Red River campaign fought?

The late August 1874.

What important assignment did Rear Admiral David Porter have in the Red River campaign?

In the Spring of 1864, Porter personally led the naval force involved in the Union's Red River campaign. The force ascended the Red River to make a combined forces effort with the army of Major General Nathaniel Banks.

What is the river that ran red in the civil war?

See 1864 Red River Campaign (March 10th - May 22nd). Red River is the actual name, it flows through Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. There were many casualties, and there are several stories of the dead in the Red River.

How was pike's expedition similar to Lewis and clark's expedition?

Pikes adventure was of the south west of the Louisiana territory. The goal of Pikes expedition was to find the source of the Red River

What was the Union's goal in the Red River campaign of 1864?

The Red River Campaign in Louisiana ran contrary to the plans of General in Chief US Grant. Grant placed great value on capturing the port City of Mobile, Alabama. The Red River campaign was a favorite one for both President Lincoln and his top military advisor Henry W. Halleck. In a manner of speaking, the campaign was the result of what military historians call a scheme to drive the trans-Mississippi from the war before the Union concentrated against the area east of the river. General Henry W. Halleck saw the campaign as a military necessity. On the other hand, President Lincoln favored it for political reasons. His desire was to bring Louisiana back to the Union as soon as possible as a slave free state. The campaign was led by Union Major General Nathaniel Banks and began on March 10, 1864 to May 22, 1864. Although Banks began the campaign with positive results, he was deep into Southern territory. The Rebels harassed his army relentlessly. The Union's efforts solved nothing and ended with Bank's defeat at the Battle of Mansfield. It severely delayed Grant's plans against Mobile.

Which river is hanoi on?

The Red River.

What river makes up the southern border of Oklahoma?

the red river in between OK and TX.

What river are tributaries to the Red River?

Which Red River?

What was red river?

its not called a red river but the red sea.

What was the political motive of US President Lincoln in supporting the Red River campaign?

The Red River campaign proved to be a disaster for the Union in the Spring of 1864 in Louisiana. General Henry Halleck supported the campaign for military reasons, however President Lincoln saw it as a political measure. Lincoln wanted to see a "free state reorganization of Louisiana" in the shortest amount of time as possible. If successful, it would help reduce the South's power and score a political victory for the Republicans and help his reelection.