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Q: What was the heart of the Chinese state government from the song dynasty to the end of the dynastic system in the 20th century?
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What was the heart of the Chinese state government from the Song dynasty to the end of the dynastic in the twentieth century?

Confucionism Hoe..

What is the definition of dynastic cycle?

"Dynastic cycle" is a Chinese political theory. By definition, it is the name for the cycle of the rise and fall of dynasties.

What is the history of The Chinese Dynastic period?

They all had the Dynastic Cycle, which means that when 1 dynasty becomes very good, then it falls and another takes its place.

What were the features of the Chinese government during the tang and song dynasty?

The Chinese government was imperial.

What is the Chinese dynastic cycle?

The dynastic cycle is a political theory in the history of China. The theory states that every dynasty goes through a rise and fall and a cycle culture.

What was the pattern of the rise and fall of Chinese dynasties called?

A person of great ability (or sometimes great luck) can create a dynasty which can last for a long time as long as the various successors have sufficient ability, but once you get a dynastic heir who is particularly incompetent, the dynasty will fall.

In which dynasty did Chinese astrology flourish the most?

Chinese astrology came to flourish during the Han Dynasty, from the 2nd century BC to the 2nd century AD having been elaborated during the Zhou Dynasty.

What was the last Dynastic rule of China?

The last dynasty in China was the Qing Dynasty and they fell after Ci Xi's death. Dynastic rule ended in 1911

What dynasty was menes?

Menes was a pharaoh of the early dynastic period and is thought to be the founder of the first dynasty.

How was the government of the ming dynasty different from that of yuan dynasty?

The Ming dynasty used a civil service exam to select officials, while the Yuan dynasty banned Chinese people from participating in government.

How did the confucian reforms of the Han Dynasty affect Chinese government?

bad >.<

How did mongol leaders change china's government during the yuan dynasty?

They banned Chinese people from serving in government