

What was the holocaust Nazi mass murder?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What was the holocaust Nazi mass murder?
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What is the modern meaning for the word Holocaust?

Holocaust is an act of mass destruction of human life. An example of a holocaust is the mass murder of Jews under Hitlers Nazi regime.

The Holocaust was the Nazi's mass murder of who?

The Nazis killed mainly Jews in the holocaust but also people who were 'feeble minded', 'crippled', and even POWs.

What Nazi ideology led to the mass murder of Jews known as Holocaust?

The beleif that white non-Jewish "Aryans" were a superior race.

Was the Holocaust a mass murder?

Yes, it was mass murder on a monumental scale.

What was the mass murder of the European Jews?


What was the genocidal destruction of Jews by Nazi Germany during World War 2 called?

holocost .... Learn how to spell... it's the Holocaust

What was the Holocaust and Genocide?

The holocaust was when Hitler tried to eliminate the Jews by mass murder and genocide. The cause was antisemitism turned evil.

How was the Holocaust a revolution?

the holocaust was not a revolution. it was a genocide/ industrialized mass murder

What were the mass killings of Jews in Nazi Germany?

The holocaust.


the mass killing of jews in nazi Germany

What role did technology play in the carrying out of the Nazi Holocaust?

Technology played a massive role in the Holocaust; it was known as the first industrialised mass murder. Technology allowed for the killing of great numbers of people and the disposal of their remains.

What was the nazi program that came to be known as the Holocaust?

The wiping out of the European community of Jewish people, as well as the handicapped and gypsies too. Organized, systematic, inhuman mass murder