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the homeless rate during the great depression was nearly 25 percent of Americans.

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Q: What was the homeless rate during the Great Depression?
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What was the unemployment percentage during the Great Depression according to class of society?

The unemployment rate was 25% during the Great Depression.

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The unemployment rate was 25% by 1933.

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The unemployment rate for black people during Great Depression was at 50%. The main reasons why the black community suffered the most is believed to have been racial discrimination.

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The worst year of the Great Depression was 1933. In 1933, the unemployment rate rose to 25%.

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During the Great Depression, unemployment in the United States reached 25 percent. In some countries it reached 33 percent. The depression began in 1930.

How did the unemployment rate among African Americans compare to national unemployment during the great depression?

It was nearly double the national rate.

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In 1930 the homeownership rate in the United States was 47.8%. By 1940, it had fallen to 43.6%.

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There suicide rate was quite high during the 1930s mostly because of the Great Depression. The general rate was about 14 to 17 per 100,000.

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WHAT was the unemployment rate during the great depression for African Americans?

The Depression did have some sort of effect on the African Americans, but not as much as the White people. During the Great Depression, the African Americans explored more in the arts and literature part of life. They introduced a new type of music to the world... Jazz. They had been somewhat succesful during this time.

What were the differences between the great depression and the great recession?

In the Great Depression,there have been reports of an unemployment rate of 25 Percent. January 2017, our current rate is 4.8%%