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Q: What was the human social life like in the middle colonies?
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What was the social life in the middle colonies?

In the plantations, one of the social activities that I'm aware of in the southern colonies was church services. However, others could have included anything from celebrations to quiet social gatherings. im an effin motha efferrr.... i know NOTHINN.

How life in the colonies was shaped by where people lived?

The colonies were separated into the New England Colonies, the Middle Colonies, and the Southern Colonies.

How did life in the middle colonies differ from life in the southern colonies?

because of imigration. Northern colonies had the Dutch, British, Native Americans, Germans.

What were Middle colonies way of life?

Life in the Middle Colonies included people of different cultures and religions that made up three basic social classes of the gentry, the middle class, and the lower class. Houses were made of wood and mud with small, if any, windows. Extended families often lived together including aunts, uncles, and grandparents.

How did how did the middle colonies make money?

-how did the middle colonies make money?by life stock,grains,and farming... theres more but this is the basics

How do you think diversityin the middle colonies made life different from life in new England?


Which colonial area had the longest life expectancy out of the Southern Colonies Middle colonies or New England colonies?

New England.

What is the center of social and religious life in the middle ages?

ChurchThe centres of Medieval life were the castle or manor of the lord and the church.

What was life like in the region for women in the middle colonies?

they farmed and washed clothes and etc.

Were the middle Colonies Puritans or Quakers?

The Middle Colonies were both.Puritans - didn't follow some rules of the Church and wanted to change them a little. But, they still wanted to stay with the church in New England.Quakers - Were from Pennsylvania and yes they were in the middle colonies. They believed in simple life.

What were some reasons people were moving west in the middle colonies?

to have a better life

What was life like in the middle and England colonies?

The Northern colonies had religious freedom with total separation from the church and state, so that was good news to the Puritans. The Middle colonies also had religious freedom and also had a voice in government.