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This put The Bible into the hands of the common people. Previously the Bible had been in Latin and available only to the clergy and the Church threatened to kill anyone who read the scripture in any language other than Latin… though Latin was not an original language of the scriptures. People were able to read the scripture for themselves this exposed some of the false teaching of the Catholic Church.

Having the Bible in common language was also a factor in an increase in literacy.


Of course, God preserved the Scriptures for us in the latter day generations [Acts 7:38] to know and understand His Truth... if studied with the proper frame of mind [or attitude] through the indwelling of His Holy Spirit.

"...'I will bless those who have humble and contrite hearts, who tremble at My Word.'" (Isa.66:2 NLT New Living Translation)

Yet, depending upon the translation, like some of the more modern liberal versions; the translation of some Bibles also adds its share to the religious confusion in the world. Especially, since most folks don't like what God's Pure Truth has to say regarding man's rebellious human nature and its tendency to hate what God has to say about the leaders of man's governments [as well as most everything else]:

"...Israel is being led by drunks! The priests and prophets [and secular government leaders] reel and stagger from beer and wine. They make stupid mistakes as they carry out their responsibilities. Their tables are covered with vomit; filth is everywhere. They say, 'Who does the LORD think we are? Why does He speak to us like this? Are we little children, barely old enough to talk? He tells us everything over and over again, a line at a time, in very simple words!..." (Isa.28:7-10 NLT).

The translation of God's Word does make it more available to more people... but that doesn't necessarily make it more or better understood by all who read it. In fact, it can be quite "off-putting" to most folks:

"Since they refuse to listen [to the Truth of God's Word], God will speak to them through foreign oppressors who speak an unknown language! God's people could have rest in their own land IF THEY WOULD ONLY OBEY HIM, but they will not listen.

"So the LORD will spell out His Message for them again, repeating it over and over, a line at a time, in very simple words. Yet THEY WILL STUMBLE OVER THIS SIMPLE, STRAIGHTFORWARD MESSAGE. They WILL BE INJURED, TRAPPED and CAPTURED." (verses 11-13)

Few people seem to know or understand that these recorded and preserved BOOKS of the Bible will be opened on JUDGMENT DAY... the Last Great Day of God's plan of man's salvation and the world. And the works... the deeds... of each and every person who has ever lived will be measured against what is written there:

"...'all who reject Me and My Message [which is recorded in the Bible] WILL BE JUDGED AT THE DAY OF JUDGMENT BY THE TRUTH I HAVE SPOKEN. I don't speak ON MY OWN AUTHORITY. The Father who sent Me GAVE ME HIS OWN INSTRUCTIONS as to what I should say [all of which is preserved in the Bible]..." (John 12:48-49 NLT).

"I saw the dead, both great and small, standing before God's throne. And THE BOOKS [of the Bible] WERE OPENED, including the Book of Life. And THE [resurrected] DEAD WERE JUDGED ACCORDING TO THE THINGS WRITTEN IN THE BOOKS [of the Bible], ACCORDING TO WHAT THEY HAD DONE [with their lives... things they had done FOR and/or TO others...]..." (Rev.20:12 NLT).

The full "effect" of the translation of the Bible into everyday language is not yet felt or realized in the world... as most of the world doesn't read it, anyway. Nor does the vast majority of those few who do read it necessarily understand it. But, in the Judgment [when man's Creator sits in Judgment and His creation stands before Him in person... trembling in stark terror, weeping and gnashing {grinding} their teeth], it will all be made plain to everyone as each person gives an accounting of himself [and his life's works] to his Creator.

At that time, there will be NO ONE IN THE WORLD who will not be "affected."

"...Then at last THEY WILL HATE THEMSELVES FOR ALL THEIR WICKEDNESS. They will KNOW that I ALONE AM THE LORD and that I WAS SERIOUS when I predicted [prophesied] that all this would happen to them." (Ezek.6:9-10 NLT)

"...You will know that I AM the LORD. You will look back [on Judgment Day] at all your sins [which is disobedience to, transgression against, or the breaking of God's Commandments - I John 3:4] AND HATE YOURSELVES BECAUSE OF ALL THE EVIL YOU HAVE DONE. You will know that I AM the LORD... when I have Honored My Name by TREATING YOU MERCIFULLY IN SPITE OF YOUR WICKEDNESS, says the Sovereign LORD." (Ezek.20:42-44 NLT)

This angry, Satan-guided, hate-filled world, and all the deceived people in it, do not yet feel the full "effect" of the Bible and its many translations. But all will be staggering and reeling by them in the Last Great Day.

In the final analysis, all the translations of the Bible in the world mean NOTHING... if no one reads them. But Judgment Day will take care of that: because the full meaning and intent of the Bible will be made known to the hearts and minds of everyone, then.

Until then... the world will continue as "unaffected" by it as always:

"Let the one who is doing wrong continue to do wrong; the one who is vile, continue to be vile; the one who is good, continue to do good; and the one who is holy, continue in holiness. See, I AM COMING SOON, and My Reward is with Me, TO REPAY ALL ACCORDING TO THEIR DEEDS." (Rev.22:11-12 NLT)

How can the world be affected by that if it doesn't read it... or believe it even if it does read it?

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