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This opening line is a succinct explanation of what kind of story this will be. It is in the future. Through the course of the story, the reader will learn how and why everyone is equal.

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Mellie Gulgowski

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Q: What was the implications of the opening sentence the year was 2081 and everyone was finally equal?
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What are the implications of the opening sentence the year was 2081 and everyone was finally equal?

The opening sentence suggests a dystopian society where equality is enforced through oppressive means such as handicapping individuals to achieve sameness. It implies a lack of individuality, creativity, and freedom, highlighting the dangers of extreme attempts to enforce equality.

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An opening sentence

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It builds suspense because the outcome is revealed at the end of the sentence.

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An opening sentence for what! Any opening sentence depends entirely on what the rest of the writing is about. It is no good having a sentence like this. The elephant's gestation period is 22 months, the longest of any land animal. if you are writing about global warming.

How do you use opening in a sentence?

The mouth is only one opening into the human body.

What is a sentence opener?

The first sentence in a paragraph. It givesm the reader and idea of what the paragraph/essay is going to be about.

What are 5 different opening sentence?

Nobody can write opening sentences but you! An opening sentence is just the first part of your essay, and you have to figure that out for yourself. Only you know what you want to write about. If someone writes what they think is an interesting sentence, it won't be a good one for you.

Is this sentence correct- Everyone in your class know when the War of the Roses was fought?

You can have the statement "Everyone knows" or the question "Does everyone know". I think the question mark here relates to the opening question. But you could have the implied question "Everyone knows when....fought?". Incidentally the event is known as "the wars of the roses" (not war) because they relate to an extended period of battles and campaigns.

What is a good opening sentence for persuasive writing?

Your opening sentence is going to depend entirely upon what your writing is about! You'll have to finish the whole thing first and then pick out which sentence or idea is best to lead off with.

What is the definition of a opening adjective?

A adjective that starts a sentence

What is the regular verb or verb pharase in the sentence he was openign their mind to new ideas?

The regular verb phrase in the sentence is "was opening".