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The key was the so-called Rosetta Stone, which was discovered near Rashid, Egypt in 1799. The stone told of a decree by Ptolemy V in 196 BC, and the decree was written in three languages : Greek, Egyptian demotic, and hieroglyphics. It offered the first breakthrough in modern interpretation of hieroglyphic writings.
The Rosetta stone was found in 1799 by a part of Napoleons' army near Alexandria, Egypt. They were about to tear down a wall in Rosetta when they found the stone. Before the stones discovery no one knew or could translate ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics. Unlike Egyptian many people knew Greek, but still it took years to translate. That is why the Rosetta stone is the key to understanding ancient Egyptian.

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Q: What was the key to the interpretation of Egyptian hieroglyphics?
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The key to the interpretation of hieroglyphics was?

Rosetta stone

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The Rosetta Stone is the key that helped scholars decode some Egyptian hieroglyphics.

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How did the Rosetta stone provide a key to help with hieroglyphics?

The Rosetta Stone had the same text encrypted in three scripts. The three scripts were Hieroglyphics (religious and important documents were written in hieroglyphics), the common Egyptian language and Greek, the language of the Egyptian rulers at the time.

Why was finding the rosettastone so important to scholars?

The Rosetta Stone was crucial because it contained the same text in multiple languages (Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphics, and Demotic script), allowing scholars to decipher the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. This breakthrough in deciphering the hieroglyphics provided a key to unlocking the language and understanding the ancient Egyptian civilization's history, culture, and religion.

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Egyptians hieroglyphics are picture letters

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What is the word for Egyptian writing where pictorial symbols were used?

they are called called hieroglyphics.

Who was able to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics?

Jean-François Champollion used the Rosetta stone to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics.

How were hieroglyphics designed?

Hieroglyphics were made to show a sound.

How are Egyptian hieroglyphics used today?

Today, hieroglyphics are only used as decorations, particularly to convey an Egyptian theme.