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the battle of Yorktown

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Q: What was the last battle of the revolutinary war?
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Who joined the patriots in the Revolutinary War after the Battle of Saratoga?

The French.

The date of when the revolutinary war begins?

The Revolutionary War began at 1775 with the battle of Lexington and Concord.

What year was the revolutinary war?

About 1750.

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please answer this question............ why was ben frank important in the revolutinary war?????!!!!! is that so hard

Who where the people involved in the Revolutinary War?

George Washington was most important he became our 1st president after being leader of the revolutinary war George Washington was most important he became our 1st president after being leader of the revolutinary war

What was the last battle of the revelutionary war?

The last battle of the revolutionary war was The Battle of Yorktown.

How was the revolutinary war tied to prejudice?

No, you are thinking of the Civil War.

Was Yorktown the last battle of the civil war?

no it was not the Battle of Gettysburg was the turning point of the war but not the last battle

What were the dates of the revolutinary war?

1775 - 1781

What was the last battle of the war for independence?

the last battle of the revoluionary war was in yorktonw

What country did you fight during the revolutinary war?


What country did we fight during the revolutinary war?
