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Q: What was the last part of Europe to be reached by the plague?
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What part of Europe did the bubonic plague affect?

It decimated the population and brought about the end of the feudal system.

What was the last part of Europe to get railroads?

Eastern Europe.

Which was the last part of Europe to have railroads built?


How many people died during the plague in the roman emperor and which part of the empire was hit first western or eastern?

Probably 25 million people (about one-third of all people of Europe) died form the plague. Western Europe was the first to get hit by the plague. Italian trading ships returning from ports on the Black Sea brought back one of the most devaststing disease epidemics in history.

WHen and where was the last outbreak of the plague in the US?

No. When it happened in Europe there was no exploration happening, nor trade between the new and old worlds. By the time that did happen the plague was gone for the most part. Every so often a small animal here will be found with it and when that happens the area is closed off for a time and the animal destroyed. ==== Yes. It exists today in certain rural desert areas in the Southwest, where it is carried by rodents and prairie dogs, but it is not common.

What part of the world did the black plaque spread from?

Itvwas cOmmonly known as the black plauge or black death but it was really the bubonic plague and it staryed in Europe from fleas in 1347

Why weren't DenmarkNorwaySweden and Finland a part of the roman empire?

The Romans did not reach Scandinavia. The furtherst north their empire reached in continental Europe was central Germany

Is Lichtenstein in the north or south hemisphere?

Lichtenstein is part of Europe, so, last I checked that was in the Northern Hemisphere.

What continent is Scandinavia part of?

Yes, and Iceland is also a part of Europe.

Which regions of the world was Roman Empire?

Roman culture has strongly influenced Western culture and thus the west.

Why isn't wales part of Europe?

It is part of Europe.

Which part is in Europe?

It depends on what part of Europe you are refering to.