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The baby boom lasted from around 1946 to 1964, resulting in a significant increase in birth rates during that period.

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What was not a result of the baby boom that followed ww2?

Increased birth rates, higher demand for consumer goods, and expansion of suburbs were results of the baby boom that followed World War II. Economic depression was not a result of the baby boom.

When did the baby boom end?

The baby boom ended around the mid-1960s as birth rates in the United States started to decline. The post-World War II increase in birth rates that characterized the baby boom lasted from approximately 1946 to the mid-1960s.

Why do you think 1964 is considered the final year of the baby boom?

1964 is considered the last year of the baby boom because it marked the end of a period of increased birth rates that began after World War II. The birth rate started to decline after 1964, leading demographers to mark it as the end of the baby boom generation.

Why did the baby boom end?

The baby boom ended due to factors such as increased access to birth control, changing cultural attitudes towards family size, and women entering the workforce, which led to a decline in birth rates. Additionally, economic uncertainty and changing social trends played a role in the decrease in birth rates following the baby boom.

What was not the challenge of the baby boom that followed ww2?

One challenge of the baby boom that followed WW2 was strains on healthcare and education systems due to the increase in population. Additionally, there was increased competition for jobs and housing among the growing number of individuals entering the workforce and looking to start families. However, a positive aspect of the baby boom was the economic growth that resulted from the increased consumer demand.