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A blacksmith had to be strong enough to use a heavy hammer. He also had to be trained in smithing, which usually meant going through an apprenticeship. The guild system very often did not include blacksmith guilds, and so in many places there was no formal journeyman or master stage.

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12y ago

He usually worked for the king and lived in a house near the castle. They usually worked from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Tough... very tough, always trying to keep up with demands for war, being burnt by metal, working really HARD with muscle aches.

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14y ago

Production was limited by time, supplies, and the effort to took to make something. Today we think in terms of replacement or time it takes to repair something. This was not the case in the middle ages. There was no replacement and repair was spotty at best. Most of the time some thing had to be remade totally.

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13y ago

A blacksmith was needed to sharpen and make swords and weapons. However they were mostly needed to fit horse shoes on horses

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Q: Why was a blacksmith needed in the middle ages?
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Blacksmithing was invented long before the Middle Ages. What originated in the Middle Ages was the farrier, who is a blacksmith, but who also is specifically concerned with horse shoes and tending horses' hooves. The horse shoe was introduced or invented in Europe during the Middle Ages.

What hardships did blacksmith's face in the middle ages?

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How long have blacksmiths existed?

You have it the wrong way round. The blacksmith created tools for himself and the people who needed them, such as farmers, farriers and millers.

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From the Middle Ages when military functions needed hosting.

In the middle ages what job did a Farrier do?

A farrier made horse shoes and other iron implements - a blacksmith. The word comes from a Latin word for iron.

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Access to water

Who would a person see if he needed to get a tooth pulled during the Middle Ages?

the doctor

What were the labor rescources of a blacksmith in the middle ages?

If you mean did the blacksmith hire people? The answer is no. They may apprentice a young man as a blacksmith or train their own child, but they really didn't hire people to work for them. The society was not as mobile as we are today and people were born to a position and stayed there, so very few people moved from job to job.

What is the period in Europe between AD 500 and 1500 known as?

The period of time from 500 AD to 1500 AD is called the Middle Ages.

What types of industries where in the vilages in the middle ages?

In most medieval villages, there would be a blacksmith, carpenter, weaver, wheelwright, cooper, butcher, and several other more cottage type industries.